The Weed Management Society of South Australia Inc.

(WMSSA) was formed on 15th October 1999, bringing together people actively involved in managing weeds and researchers with interests in protecting our agricultural and natural environments.

The Society provides a forum to share knowledge, debate issues and generate ideas, drawing on practical weed control experience and the latest research. We always welcome new members and our events are open to all.

The principal aim of the Society is to minimise the economic, environmental and social impacts of weeds in South Australia. The objects in respect of this aim are:

  • To raise community, government and industry awareness of the economic, environmental and social impacts of weeds in South Australia.
  • To encourage and promote community, government and industry support and participation in weed management.
  • To encourage and promote best practice weed management based on scientific principles.
  • To encourage and promote opportunities for exchange of information and ideas based on research and practice.
  • To encourage and promote early identification and prevention of new and potential weeds.
  • To cooperate with and support other organisations with similar aims, within South Australia, nationally and internationally.

Activities of WMSSA

The WMSSA undertakes various activities to improve weed management in South Australia. The Society disseminates information through this website and the Weed Management Society of South Australia’s Facebook page. Included is information on advances in weed science and management, reports of seminars, meetings, workshops and conferences, recent media reports, and reviews publications and web sites. The WMSSA also holds public meetings to raise awareness and promote discussion of weed management issues, threats and responses. Topics at public meetings have included:

  • Fire for weed and native vegetation management
  • Aquatic weeds and their impact
  • Significant parasitic weeds – a focus on Orobanche ramose
  • Weeds for sale – how to solve the problem of invasive garden plants
  • Computer assisted weed management – computer modelling of weed invasions in South Australia
  • California and southern Australia: similar climates but why different weed problems?

The Society also holds workshops and hosted the 15th Australian Weeds Conference in 2006, and is now working towards hosting the 22nd Australian Weeds Conference in 2022. We have also always looked to raise weed awareness through having stalls at various environment and garden events in Adelaide, such as at the Native Plant Sale at Wayville Showgrounds and the Festival of Garden Living at Veale Gardens, South Terrace. Visit our events page regularly to keep up-to-date with activities of the society.

WMSSA has membership from local community environment groups, State Government departments, Landscapes SA Boards, Local Councils, Universities and CSIRO. This diverse membership ensures excellent networks and communication between people at all levels of weed management and enables the Society to make important contributions to weed management. See our membership page for more information on becoming a member of the WMSSA.
